Mold Die Wizard - Create split surface page

A split surface is created automatically using the default settings. Use the Create split surface page to change the split surface settings:

— This indicates the curve that is currently selected to be used to generate the split surface.



Orthogonal direction — Affects the direction of laterals of the split surface.

— Advanced split surface options. The Split Segments dialog is displayed.

— Create one or two stepped split surfaces. When you select this button, the Stepped Split Surface dialog for a core (Core Stepped Split Surfaces) or cavity (Cavity Stepped Split Surface) is displayed.

Note: See Surface Modelling for more information on the split surface dialogs.

OK — A stepped split surface is created and a Query dialog is displayed:

Yes — The stepped split surface form is displayed again and the user can create a second surface for the cavity insert.

No — Use the surface that has been created as the common surface.

If you create two stepped surfaces within the Mold Die Wizard and exit the wizard without splitting the mold, the two surfaces are output as solids.

Process Split Surface. Click this to display the Process Split Surface dialog.

Retain tangents. Select this to retain the tangency of the projected curve across the split surface.

Smooth surface. Attempt to smooth the split surface by adjusting the tangent direction of the projected curve.

Preserve symmetry. Selecting this option preserves the symmetry of the split surface when Align to Axes has been selected from the Type drop down list.

Create angled split surface. This displays the new Angle Options dialog.

— Enter the required taper angle in the text box.

— Create split surface in principal plane.

Note: You can access the principal plane options on the status bar of the PowerShape window. You can use these options to select a different plane and then create a vertical split surface by using the Angle Options or the advanced split surface option.

— Create split surface normal to underlying surface.

— Generate the split surface.

— Reset the graphic in the wizard graphic window back to the original view.

Next — Displays the Define block heights page of the Mold Die Wizard.