Creates an Ortho BOM mark number annotation by selecting a row in the BOM table.

Access Methods

 Ribbon:  Ortho View tab Table Setup
 Command entry:  plantorthoannotatebom

List of Prompts

Select BOM data row or entire table [Table]: Pick a line in the Ortho BOM .

Pick the left side of the Ortho BOM table.

Specify annotation position [Rotate/disableLeader/Skip/changeView]:


Creates one or more annotations for each line in the BOM.


Rotates the annotation text.

Disable Leader

Removes the leader line from the annotation.


Cancels placement of the current leader and begins placement of the next BOM annotation. The next BOM annotation is either the next symbol (for example: QTY more than one) or the next line in the Ortho BOM table.

Change View

Selects a different ortho view to place the BOM annotation in. You can create a BOM annotation in any viewport that includes the component.