About Exporting Data from the Data Manager

You can export data to a Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet, to a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file, or to a Piping Component Format (PCF) file.
Note: You cannot use import or export custom settings when importing or exporting in Area view.

Export Active Node and Child Nodes

You can export data for the active node and all child nodes under it, or for the active node only. If you include all child nodes, you export a spreadsheet that contains a worksheet for each node, or a CSV file for each node. If you include only the active node, you export a spreadsheet with a single worksheet, or a single CSV file.

For example: If the Engineering Items node is active, and you export the active node and all child nodes to a spreadsheet, the spreadsheet contains a separate worksheet for each node.

View Exported Data

When you export the current data table, the resulting file includes all columns and rows displayed in the Data Manager. An exported file does not include hidden columns and rows.

Read-only columns in the data table are write-protected in the exported spreadsheet. The exception to this rule is that properties in Acquire mode can be edited in an exported file.

Each worksheet or CSV file contains a row for each Plant object and a column for each property, such as PnPID number, description, and manufacturer.

Name Exported Files

You can specify a name for an exported file, or accept the name that the program suggests. The following default file name structures vary by file type and by data table settings in the Data Manager.

File Type Project Data View Drawing Data View
Spreadsheet ProjectName-ActiveNodeName.xls (or .xlsx) DrawingName-ActiveNodeName.xls (or .xlsx)
CSV File ProjectName-ActiveNodeName-ChildNodeName.csv DrawingName-ActiveNodeName-ChildNodeName.csv

In an exported spreadsheet, worksheet names are derived from the display names of the nodes being exported. The column headings are derived from the display names of the column headings (properties) in the data table. If the display name is longer than 31 characters, the node name is used to name the worksheet.


To ensure successful export and import, it is recommended that project administrators use node names that are no longer than 31 characters.