Extrude Along Polyline

The option is used to create simple planar or solid-like elements by extruding predefined 2-dimensional objects along a specified polyline. The option is available using one of the following methods:

Note: The option is available for only 2 structure types: plate and shell.

The Extrude along Polyline option functions in a way similar to the Extrusion option, because it is a composite of several operations of extruding an object based on the definition of a polyline.

To extrude a predefined 2-dimensional object along a specified polyline, you should define several parameters:

The polyline can be defined graphically (highlighting successive points of the polyline) or textually (by defining coordinates of successive points of the polyline). The successive points of the polyline are entered in the appropriate field in the Extrude along Polyline dialog. The points can be deleted or modified (define the new coordinates of the point and, optionally, the scale value; then, click Modify).

Note: If an object on which the Extrude along polyline operation was performed is modified, the parameters of the Extrude along polyline operation might change (such as, extrusion vector parameters). In this case, be sure to check these parameters and to restore them to the initial correct state.

To extrude an object along a polyline:

  1. Define a 2-dimensional object, such as, a rectangle (see the following image). Let us assume that the coordinates of its vertices are: (-2,0,-2), (2,0,-2), (2,0,2), (-2,0,2).
  2. Select the object.
  3. Open the Extrude along Polyline dialog.
  4. Define a polyline. Let us assume that its parameters are:
    • (0,0,0) scale 1.0
    • (0,10,0) scale 1.0
    • (0,10,10) scale 2.0
  5. Define the remaining parameters of extrusion. Let us assume the following parameters for the rectangle and the polyline previously defined: Division number - 10, top and base options - inactive, the general scale - 1.0, and new object option - inactive.
  6. Click Apply to extrude the predefined rectangle. The operation yields the object in the following image.