Review Calculated Building Part Quantity Data

Review building part calculation data and manually edit the results.

  1. If you have not calculated your building part quantities yet, calculate them now.
  2. Click Quantification tab Buildingbook Extension (Calculate Building Part Quantities).
  3. To preserve calculations, select Skip recalculation and use last calculated results. This is useful when changes are made to your model and you don't want to take the time to recalculate. You can work with the data and update it when needed.
  4. Click View/Edit Results to open the Calculated Quantities dialog.
  5. Click Show Details to expand the Calculated Quantities dialog and view the calculated data on two tabs:
    • Calculated Quantities
    • Summary

Preview the building part calculation data in your project

Expand the nodes of the tree to review element specific calculated data. Use the tools in the table below to help review your building part quantities in the project views.

Name Description
Tree Structure Groups and sorts all of the calculated quantities. Select a filter from the Tree structure drop-down:
  • Level, Category, Family
  • Level, Category, Family, Type
  • Project, Category, Family
  • Project, Category, Family, type
(Expand All) Opens all of the calculation nodes in the tree structure.
(Collapse All) Closes all of the calculation nodes in the tree structure.
(Highlight) Opens an appropriate view in the drawing area and highlights the element selected in the Tree structure nodes. Press Esc to return to the Calculated Quantities dialog.
Hide Empty Nodes If there are many different calculated building part categories, the number of columns for calculated parameters may become quite large. Activate this option to automatically hide empty columns.
Isolate This function corresponds to the Revit Hide/Isolate function. None shows the context within the highlighted selection. Related Elements shows only selections with related elements (such as windows in a host wall).
Highlight Lists all information that can be highlighted. The list differs depending on the building part category. Element and area information is available for all items, and more specific information for walls and floors.
Highlight Detail Controls the highlight density.
Use View Selects the project view to display iwhen an item is highlighted.
Visual Style Specifies the graphical style of the view when highlighted.
Total Number of Building Parts
Calculated Displays the total number of calculated quantities in the selected node.
Not Calculated Displays the number of quantities not calculated. In some cases, Buildingbook may be unable to calculate a building part. This can occur when a building part has invalid or no geometry. These building parts are marked "not calculated". You can highlight the non-calculated elements for identification in the project.
Have Overrides Displays the number of calculated, non-calculated and overridden elements in the current category. You can expand or collapse this section of the dialog using +/-. See also Override.