Tread/Riser Number Instance Properties

Modify instance properties to define the display of tread numbers or riser numbers on a stair run component.

To change instance properties, select the element and change its properties on the Properties palette.

Name Description
Tag Type Specifies whether to tag risers or treads.
Display Rule Specifies which treads or risers to display tags on.
Reference Specifies the path on the run to use as the location for displaying the tread/riser numbers:
  • Left
  • Left Quarter
  • Center
  • Right Quarter
  • Right
Note: When you click to place the annotation, you select the path reference for the tread/riser numbers. This property is only available for editing after the annotation has been placed.
Offset from Reference Specifies the distance to offset the tag from the reference selected in the Reference property.
Justify Specifies the position of the tag relative to the tread or riser.
Justify Offset Specifies the distance to offset the tag from the justification position.
Orientation Tread/riser tags can display either horizontally or vertically.
Number Size Specifies the text size of the number annotation.