Copy Behaviors for Fixtures

Before or when copying fixtures from a linked model to an MEP model, specify a copy behavior for each fixture category on the Specify Coordination Settings dialog.

Allow batch copy

Fixtures in the selected category can be copied in batch mode when both of the following are true:

This copy behavior is the default for new links.

Copy individually

Fixtures in the selected category will not be copied in batch mode. Instead, you can use the Copy/Monitor tool to select individual fixtures to copy to the MEP model. See Copy Fixtures for Monitoring.

Suppose a fixture category is set to Copy individually, and the linked model contains new fixtures that belong to that category. When you load or reload the linked model into the MEP model, the software will not copy fixtures in this category automatically. It only copies fixtures whose copy behavior is Allow batch copy.

Ignore category

Fixtures in the selected category will not be copied to the MEP model in batch mode or individually.

Suppose you first specify Ignore category, and you later want to copy this type of fixture to the MEP model. To do so, you must specify coordination settings for the MEP model or for a specific linked model. Otherwise, the software will never recognize fixtures in this category from linked models.

If you want to ignore a specific type of fixture but not the entire category, see Ignore Fixtures.