Modify a Beam System Boundary

Adjust the shape and size of a beam system. Add openings where necessary.

  1. Click on the beam system you want to modify.
  2. Click Modify | Structural Beam Systems tabMode panel (Edit Boundary).
  3. Make any necessary changes with the available sketch tools.
  4. (Optional) Sketch a closed loop within the boundary to cut an opening in the beam system.
  5. Optional. If you need to reset the beam system to its default state, click Modify | Structural Beam Systems > Edit Boundary tab Adjust panel (Reset System).
    After the beam system is reset, all beams in the system will have uniform parameters and be in their default locations.
    • Beams that have been moved are returned to their original locations.
    • Beams that have been deleted from the system are restored.
    • Parameters that have been changed on individual beams (such as Beam Type, Offset, and Angle) are reset.
  6. Click Modify | Structural Beam Systems > Edit Boundary tabMode panel (Finish Edit Mode).
  7. Beams of a system will remain attached to their original supports until the beam system is reset.