Fabric Area Instance Properties

View and modify the parameters that define the instance properties of fabric reinforcement area systems.

To change instance properties, select the element and change its properties on the Properties palette.

Name Description
Partition Specifies the partition in which the fabric area is associated. To change a partition, select from the drop-down list or enter a new partition name. See About Rebar Partitioning.
Fabric Sheet Indicates the type of fabric sheet.
Location Specifies the location of the fabric sheet in the host element (either Top or Bottom for floors and foundation slabs; Internal or External for walls).
Lap Splice Position Specifies the position of the major or minor lap-splices (Aligned, Major Half-way Stagger, Major Passing Stagger, Minor Half-way Stagger, or Minor Passing Stagger). See Fabric Sheet Lap-Splice Position.
Major Lap Splice Length Specifies the length of the major lap-splice. The availability of the parameter depends on fabric sheet alignment.
Minor Lap Splice Length Specifies the length of the minor lap-splice. The availability of the parameter depends on fabric sheet alignment.
Additional Cover Offset Specifies an additional offset to the outside face of fabric sheet.
Total Sheet Mass Calculates and displays the total sheet mass (read-only).
Identity Data
Tag new members in view Indicates placement of tags and symbols for new fabric sheets in the current view.
Comments User comments.
Mark A label used, for example, as a shop mark. This value must be unique for each element in a project. Revit warns you if the value is in use, but allows you to continue using it. You can see the warning using the Review Warnings command. See Reviewing Warning Messages.
Host Category Specifies the current host associated with the reinforcement elements: Structural Column, Structural Framing, Structural Foundation, Wall, Floor, or Part.
Host Mark Specifies the Mark parameter of the rebar host.
Phase Created Indicates the creation phase of the host element. See Project Phasing.
Phase Demolished Indicates the demolition phase of the host element. See Project Phasing.