Log in

The VDF provides mechanisms for logging into a vault. A login can be performed with or without a GUI.

Login GUI Features

The Login GUI provides various features for logging in to a vault.

Auto Login

The GUI can be enabled to allow automatic login. The next time the application runs, it remembers the user's credentials and logs in on the user's behalf.


The GUI remembers the user name, server, and vault used for the last login. The GUI also keeps a history of the last several servers and vaults that were used.

Customized Anonymous Login

The labels of the Anonymous login can be configured to display the brand for the host application. For example, the text can be changed to "Content Center Login."

Vault Browsing

The login dialog allows the user to select from a list of vaults available on a particular server.

General Login Features

The following features are available with or without the login GUI.

Multiple Types of Logins
  • Standard. A Vault connection using a user name and password.
  • Windows Authentication
  • Anonymous
  • Read-Only
  • Server-Only. A connection where a user logs into a server, but not a specific vault.
Connection Caching

    If two logins occur with the same credentials, the connection object is shared.

Asynchronous Execution

All login activity occurs asynchronously. If the user types an incorrect server, instead of waiting 30 seconds for a timeout, the user can click cancel immediately and type in new credentials.


Specify a progress callback to get a report on the progress of the login operation.

Errors Detected
The following errors are detected by the login business logic:
  • Invalid User Name
  • Invalid Vault Name
  • Invalid Server Name
  • Invalid Credentials (user name and password pair do not match)
  • Server does not exist or cannot be reached
  • Vault does not exist on the server
  • Client is not compatible with the server version
  • Client is not compatible with the server products