
Open the Arc dialog using either of the following methods:

The dialog, which lets you define an arc, has the following parts:

When the Arc dialog is fully opened, clicking Definition Method, Geometry, or Parameters minimizes the corresponding part of the dialog so it displays only the options used at a given time. When the window is minimized, clicking one of the button extends the dialog.

Definition Method

Under Definition Method, options for defining an arc are based on defining three points. Schematic drawings of the arc defining method are shown below.

The arc is defined using the center and two points on the arc (beginning and end).

The arc is defined using three points on the arc (beginning, end, and middle).

The arc is defined using three points on the arc (beginning, end, and end).


Coordinates for points P1, P2 and P3 can be entered in the corresponding fields under Geometry. The significance of these points depends on the method used to create the arc.


Additional options that let you select the method of dividing the arc into elements are located in the Parameters part of the dialog box.

If Arc discretization is turned off, an arc is created using the analytical method.

When the Arc discretization is selected, you can define the parameters for dividing an arc:

Create Members option is available only when Arc discretization is selected.

When selected, the arc is made up of member elements (individual parts of the arc are members).

When Create members is turned off, the following options become available:

To define an arc:

  1. Select an arc definition method.
  2. Define the coordinates of the characteristic points on the arc:
    • Using text: Enter the coordinates for the individual points in the dialog under Geometry and click Apply.
    • Graphically: Click in P1 under Geometry, and switch to the graphic layout. Click on the point representing the first point on the arc, then click on the points representing P2 and P3.
    • Method combining the graphic definition and the definition using text
  3. Define the division parameters for the arc (the number of divisions in the appropriate directions).