PIC Files

3ds Max can import and export Radiance Picture (PIC) files. The PIC file is a lighting-analysis format used for the same purpose as LogLUV TIFF files.

The PIC format differs from the LogLUV TIFF format by creating separate files for luminance and illuminance channel data (the LogLUV TIFF format creates one file containing both channels).

One way to create PIC files is with the Lighting Data Exporter utility. You specify a file name by clicking the File Name button. When you click Export, the Lighting Data Exporter renders two files. The string “_Illuminance” is appended to the name of one file, and “_luminance” is appended to the other. For example, if you type house as the file name, the exporter renders to house_illuminance.pic and house_luminance.pic.

You can also open and save high-dynamic-range images in the PIC format using the Radiance Image File format in input and output file browsers in 3ds Max. For further information, see Radiance Image Files.