To Create Layer Standards Filters

Use this procedure to create standards filters. You can specify more than one standard category for a filter.

  1. If necessary, open the Layer Properties Manager by clicking Home tabLayers panelLayer Properties.
  2. In the left pane of the Layer Properties Manager, select a layer group that you want to create the new group under, right-click, and select New Standards Filter, or click in the Layer Properties Manager.
  3. Enter a name for Filter Names.
  4. Select a standard for Layering Standard.
  5. The categories in the Available Category(s) column will differ depending on the standard being used. Select a category to include in the filter, and click the Add >> button to move it to the Selected Category(s) column.

    You can include multiple categories in one standards filter. All layers associated with the Selected Category(s) will be included in the filter.

  6. Click OK.