About Curved Walls

The smoothness (tesselation) of curved edges is controlled by the FACETDEV variable. This variable sets the number of facets to display on curved AEC objects. The default value is 1/2'' for drawings created from imperial templates and is 12.7 mm for drawings created from metric templates.

The number you specify for facet deviation defines the maximum distance from the chord to the arc, the chord being an edge that is created from faceting the curve, to the true mathematical arc. The facet deviation has a range of greater than zero (0) and no upper limit.

Curved wall segments with facet deviation examples

The minimum number of facets is 8. For example, if you create a cylinder mass element to have a 1'-0'' radius, and specify 1 for FACETDEV, the cylinder has 8 faces.

To specify the facet deviation values for the current drawing, seeTo Specify the Display Resolution of Objects With Facets. The settings apply to all curved objects in the drawing, including curved walls.