To Create a View Drawing: Selecting the Constructs

Use this procedure to select constructs to be referenced in the view drawing—the content. By default, each construct is attached as an external reference.

Selecting constructs is the key to creating a view drawing. The view drawing consists mainly of referenced constructs.

There are several ways to make the selection of constructs easier:

  1. Define the general properties and the context of the view drawing.

  2. Create the selection set of constructs for the view drawing:
    If you want to… Then…
    select an entire category to include in the view drawing select the category. All constructs in the category are selected automatically. When you add constructs to the category later, they are included in the view drawing.
    select a construct to include in the view drawing expand the categories as needed, and select the construct.
    exclude a category from the view drawing clear the category’s box. All constructs in the category are cleared automatically.
    exclude a construct from the view drawing clear the construct.
  3. Determine the referencing mode of the constructs in the view drawing:
    If you want to… Then…
    attach the construct to the view drawing select the construct, right-click, and click Set All to Attach.
    Note: Attaching an external reference is the default insertion method for views. When the Set All to Attach command is unavailable, the construct has already been attached.
    overlay the construct on the view drawing select the construct, right-click, and click Set All to Overlay.
    Note: When the Set All to Overlay command is unavailable, the construct has already been overlaid.
  4. If you want to work in this view drawing immediately, select Open in drawing editor.
  5. Click Finish.