About Corridor Sections

You can use the Corridor Section Editor to view and modify corridor sections and to visually inspect how assemblies are applied at various stations.

Use the Corridor Section Editor to apply assembly overrides to a corridor section or a range of sections and then view only those sections. To view both the corridor section view and its location along the corridor (1), open two horizontal viewports.

Following is a simple corridor section as viewed with the Corridor Section Editor:

You can also view complex corridors that are modeled with multiple baselines. You can step through corridor stations or jump to any station of interest.

Edit corridor and assembly parameters as required, using the following methods:

Overriding assemblies may require you to edit the way points, links, and shapes are represented in the corridor as feature codes. Use the Edit User Defined Codes command to change or delete codes as required.

If you have edited a subassembly by either adding or deleting a point, adding or deleting a link, or editing the subassembly geometry using grips, you cannot edit the values of the changed parameters in the Corridor Section Editor.

Tutorial: Viewing and Editing Corridor Sections