To View Corridor Sections

To open the Corridor Section Editor

  1. Select a corridor in the drawing.
  2. Click Corridor tabModify Corridor Sections panelSection Editor.
  3. Optionally, you can use the Select A Baseline list to select another baseline for the corridor or click and select an alternate alignment in the drawing.

Alternately, in the prospector or the viewport, you can right click on the corridor you wish to view as sections, right-click and click View/Edit Corridor Section.

To display sections in the Corridor Section Editor

  1. Select a corridor in the drawing.
  2. Click Corridor tabModify Corridor Sections panelSection Editor.
  3. Filter the Select a Station list to display only the stations you want to see:
    • All Baseline Stations: Displays all stations on the current baseline.
    • Region Stations: Displays only stations that are in a corridor region.
    • Overridden Stations: Displays only stations that have assembly overrides.
    • Non-Region Stations: Displays only stations that are not in a corridor region.
  4. On the Station Selection panel, select a station from the Select a Station list.
  5. To view a section that is between two stations, click , and then either specify a point in plan or profile, or enter a numeric station value.

    To save an intermediate station, click Save Intermediate Station.

    Note: Unsaved intermediate stations are displayed in the Select a Station list and are preceded by a *. If an intermediate station is not saved, it will be cleared when the Section Editor is closed.
  6. On the Station Selection panel, click or to view the first or end station.
  7. Click to view the previous station or click to view the next station.
  8. Click to view the last station of the previous region. Click to view the corridor section at the first station of the next region.
  9. To set zoom options, on the View Tools tab, either:
    • Click Zoom to Extents to view the entire corridor section view.
    • Click Zoom to an Offset and Elevation to lock the zoom to a selected elevation or offset.
    • Click Zoom to Subassembly to lock the zoom to a selected subassembly.
  10. Optionally, to view detailed information about the assembly and subassemblies used by the region in the Corridor Parameters vista: On the Corridor Edit Tools panel, click Parameter Editor.

To specify a station in plan or profile

While the section editor displays a section, the station slider line indicates the location of the section in plan and profile. You can change the section that is displayed in the section editor by dragging the section slider line to a new station on the current baseline.

  1. Select a corridor in the drawing.
  2. Click Corridor tabModify Corridor Sections panelSection Editor.
    Note: Make sure that model space displays at least two viewports.
  3. In either the plan or profile viewport, select the station slider line.
  4. Use the grip to drag the station slider line to a new corridor station.

To edit corridor section viewing and editing options

  1. On the Section Editor tab, View Tools panel, click View/Edit Options Find.
  2. In the View/Edit Corridor Section Options dialog box, under View/Edit Options, select a style from the Code Set Style list, to change the display of corridor section elements such as shapes, links, and points.
  3. Under View/Edit Options, enter a new scale in the Default View Scale field.
  4. Under View/Edit Options, select the Rebuild on Edit option, to automatically rebuild the corridor model when you edit a subassembly using the section viewing and editing tools.
    Note: To change the default section viewing scale or automatic corridor rebuild value, on the ToolspaceSettings tab, expand CorridorCommands. Right-click ViewEditCorridorSection, and click Edit Command Settings. In the Edit Command Settings dialog box, expand the View/Edit Options property group. Modify the Default View Scale and Rebuild On Edit settings as required.
  5. Under View/Edit Options, edit the values in the Front Clip and Back Clip fields, to display 3D objects, such as pipe network parts located at the specified station.

    You can display any 3D object located at the station, including pipe network parts, blocks, and polylines. The clip values control the start and end of the visible extents of objects in the corridor section, from front to back.

    Note: Unless 3D Objects reside on a visible layer, they are not displayed in the corridor section view. By default, layers for objects that are not referenced by the corridor are not visible.
  6. Under Grid Settings, set the visibility and separation of grid lines, the color of grid lines, and the visibility and color of a center axis for the grid.
  7. Under Grid Text Settings, set the style, color and size of text, along with the visibility of center axis annotation.

To view Autodesk Civil 3D objects in the Corridor Section Editor

Using a single dialog box, you can turn on and off the display of civil object types, such as alignments, points, parcel segments, and pipe network parts.

  1. Select a corridor in the drawing.
  2. Click Corridor tabModify Corridor Sections panelSection Editor.
  3. Click Section Editor tabView Tools panelDisplay Objects.
  4. In the Display Objects in Section Editor dialog box, specify the objects you want to view.
  5. Click OK.

To configure viewports in the Corridor Section Editor

You can configure viewports that show plan, profile, and section each time the Corridor Section Editor is launched.

  1. Select a corridor in the drawing.
  2. Click Corridor tabModify Corridor Sections panelSection Editor.
  3. Click Section Editor tabView Tools panelViewport Configuration.
  4. In the Corridor Section Editor: Viewport Configuration dialog box, configure the viewports as desired.
  5. Click OK.