To Find and Fix Crossing Surface Breaklines

  1. Click Analyze tab Ground DataResolve Crossing Breaklines Find.
  2. At the dynamic input prompt or at the command line, specify the location to look for crossing breaklines: Survey Database, Figure, or Surface.
  3. In the Crossing Breaklines vista that displays, view the list of intersecting breakline data, for example:
    Breakline 1 Breakline 2 Easting Northing Elevation Difference
    Slopes Dirt Road 2449329.6678’ 6934649.2363’ -2.498'
    Slopes Gravel Road 2449426.7324 ' 6934651.3785’ 3.604'
  4. To view the crossing breaklines in the drawing, click an item in the list and then click Zoom To.
    Note: If Auto Zoom is selected, the intersection point of the selected pair of breaklines is automatically centered and zoomed to.

    The breakline with lower elevation (1) appears in red. The blue color identifies the breakline with higher elevation (2).

  5. To fix breakline issues, do one of the following:
    • To resolve elevation differences of the crossing breaklines, under Crossing Resolution, specify the elevation option (higher, lower, average, or new elevation) to use for each point of intersection in each breakline pair.
    • To resolve errors related to breakline length, click Trim and follow on-screen prompts to trim the breakline segments.
  6. Click to close the Crossing Breaklines vista.