Traverse Adjustment Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to open a traverse file and apply an adjustment method to the data.


Traverse Source
Specifies the traverse file to open.
Note: The traverse adjustment dialog box is automatically opened and populated with the current TRV2 file when you use the Load Balance Tool option from the Traverse Editor.
Start Point
Displays the start point of the traverse. This is the alpha-numeric point name or the coordinate value.

If you want to restrict the adjustment to a portion of the traverse, you can specify a different start point. For example, if there are traverse sides that were entered in order to get to the start point of the traverse to be adjusted, you can exclude those sides by specifying a different start point.

End Point
Displays the last point of the traverse.

If there are segments of the traverse that you do not want to include in the adjustment, such as in an open traverse, you can specify a different end point.

Point of Closure
Displays the point of closure of the traverse. This defaults to the same point as the Start Point regardless of whether the traverse is open or closed. If the traverse is open, specify the point to use as the Point of Closure.
Angular Balance
Enables angular balance calculations for open or closed traverses, where angular errors are distributed across the angles in the traverse.

When this option is selected, angular balance is applied to the input data first, prior to any of the specified adjustment methods. After the angular balance is applied, then the adjustment methods are applied to the results of the angular balance.

When this option is selected, the Angular Misclosure that is reported in the Closure Summary on the Angular row should be 0.

If this option is not selected, the adjustment methods are applied directly to the input data.

If you select this option, and if the traverse is an open traverse, you must specify an Observed Direction and a Closure Direction. The Observed Direction and Closure Direction are used to determine the angular misclosure for open traverses. The angular misclosure is then applied evenly across all sides of the traverse.

Observed Direction
Specifies the observed direction for angular balance calculations on open traverses.

Used only when Angular Balance is selected and only for open traverses.

Closure Direction
Specifies the closure direction for angular balance calculations on open traverses.

Used only when Angular Balance is selected and only for open traverses.

Closure Summary

Identifies the input data, angular balance data (if selected), and data for each adjustment method that is specified.
Displays the Perimeter divided by the Error Distance. This value signifies the quality of the traverse. When the Error Distance is zero, this value is displayed as Infinity.
Error Distance
Displays the distance between the End Point to the Start Point.
Error Direction
Displays the direction from the End Point to the Start Point.
Angular Misclosure
Displays the angular difference (the turned angle) between the last two sides of the traverse.
Displays the area of the traverse.
Displays the perimeter of the traverse.

Available Adjustment Methods

Displays the changes applied to each traverse side when an adjustment method is applied. If no adjustments are made, the values are zero.

The adjustment data that is shown depends upon which adjustment methods are selected in the COGO Adjustment Settings dialog box.

Displays the side number and the type of traverse side: Point, Line, or Arc. Arcs are listed as separate sides, as two adjacent sides, or they are consolidated with existing tangent sides, depending on the Adjust Curves setting that you specify in the COGO Adjustment Settings dialog box.
Identifies the input data, angular balance data (if selected), and data for each adjustment method that is specified.
Occupied Point
Displays the start point of the traverse side.
Ending Point
Displays the end point of the traverse side.
Displays the northing of the end point of the traverse side.
Displays the easting of the end point of the traverse side.
Displays the bearing of the traverse side.
Displays the distance of the side. For arcs, this value is the chord distance.
Displays the difference between the original X (easting) value and the adjusted X (easting) value at the end of the side.
Displays the difference between the original Y (northing) value and the adjusted Y (northing) value at the end of the side.
Δ Angle
Displays the difference between the original turned angle and the adjusted turned angle of the side.
Δ Distance
Displays the difference between the original distance and the adjusted distance of the side.

Adjustment To Apply

Specifies which adjustment to apply to the traverse. Only the adjustment methods specified in the COGO Adjustment Settings dialog box are available to apply. After selecting the adjustment method, click Apply Adjustment.


Opens the COGO Adjustment Settings dialog box, where you can specify which adjustment methods to display in the Traverse Adjustment dialog box and to specify how to convert curve data for adjustment.

Generate Report

Generates an .html or .pdf report for either the adjustment method selected in the Adjustment To Apply list, or for all displayed adjustment methods. For more information, see To Adjust Traverse Data.
Note: You can use the report settings, available from the Toolbox tab of the Toolspace, to specify the Client and Prepared By information that is in the report header.

Apply Adjustment

Applies the adjustment method selected in the Adjustment To Apply list, adding a polyline and COGO points to the drawing to represent the adjusted data.

The points use the default point style defined in the point feature settings. The polyline is created on the current layer, and the point nodes and labels are created on the layers specified in the point style.

You are also prompted to save the adjusted data to a new TRV2 file. By default, the original name of the TRV2 file is used, appended with the name of the adjustment method that is applied.