Project Management

Cache and Renders now shows exactly the formats used for storage, free timings are now displayed, and set a Volume to Shared.

Flame Learning Channel: Understanding Cache & Render Settings

Project Management

The compression used for Cache & Renders is now displayed for all formats available in Project Management > Preferred Format.

Cache and Renders now consolidates previous fields in a single Format Details table. It now details exactly what format is used for each bit depth—8 bits, 10 bits, 12 bits, 16-bit floating-point, and 32-bit floating-point.

Sometimes, a format can have a maximum supported resolution, in which case a different format must be used. This now clearly appears in the Format Details field.

In Media Export > File Sequence, the Compression menu uses an asterisk (*) to identify the compression used for Cache & Renders: matching compression allows for Linked Media exports.

free Timings in Project

When you create a project, you can now select the free timings that are selected in the Preview tab of the Autodesk > Setup application.

Volume Creation

In Project Management, you set a volume to Shared.

You can also use Setup to set the Shared option on an existing volume.

In Setup application:

  1. Open the Media Storage tab.
  2. Double-click the Shared cell to switch between True (Shared is enabled) and False (Shared is disabled).
  3. Click Apply.

Shared allows Flame Family products to read media directly from the storage volume. This improves access performance in scenarios such as accessing media of another Flame using MediaHub > Projects. This option is useful in a SAN or NAS environment.

The device mount point must be identical on all stations that access this partition for this to work properly.

The shared partition must be defined on a single system and its mount point must be unique: no other system can define a partition using the same mount point.