3ds Max C++ API Reference
IATSProvider.h File Reference
#include <WTypes.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "../strbasic.h"
#include "../MaxHeap.h"


class  ATSFileEntry
 ATS File Object. More...
class  ATSFileList
 ATS File List. More...
class  IATSClientAccess
 Access to client of ATS Provider. More...
class  ATSClientInfo
 Client information for ATS Providers. More...
class  ATSUserEntry
 ATS User Object. More...
class  ATSUserList
 ATS User List. More...
class  ATSExploreProviderParams
 ATS Explore Provider Object. More...
class  IATSProvider
 ATS Provider Interface. More...




#define ATSExport   __declspec( dllexport )
#define IS_ATS_ERROR(res)   ( ((res) < kATSResSuccess) ? true : false )
 Error test for ATSResults. More...
#define IS_ATS_SUCCESS(res)   ( ((res) >= kATSResSuccess) ? true : false )
 Success test for ATSResults. More...


typedef int ATSResult
 Result codes. More...
typedef DWORD ATSStatus
 Status flags. More...
typedef DWORD ATSOption
 Option flags. More...
typedef LONG_PTR ATSClientPtr
 Client supplied pointers and values. More...
typedef DWORD ATSVersion
 ATS file version type. More...
typedef std::basic_string< MCHARATSString
 ATS string type. More...


const DWORD kATSAPIVersion = 200
 Version number of ATS API. More...
const ATSResult kATSResErrorNotSupported = -2
 Error result. More...
const ATSResult kATSResError = -1
 General error result. More...
const ATSResult kATSResSuccess = 0
 Successful result. More...
const ATSResult kATSResSuccessReload = 1
 Successful result. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusUnknown = 0x00000000
 No information available. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusNotControlled = 0x00000001
 File is not under control. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusControlled = 0x00000002
 File is controlled. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusCheckedOut = 0x00000004
 File is checked out by user. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusCheckedOutOther = 0x00000008
 File is checked out by another user. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusOutOfDate = 0x00000010
 File is out of date. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusDeleted = 0x00000020
 File has been deleted from server. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusMissing = 0x00000040
 File does not exist locally. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusModified = 0x00000080
 File has been locally modified. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusHidden = 0x00000100
 File is hidden. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusShareLock = 0x00000200
 File is shared and locked by another user. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusCanCheckin = 0x00010000
 File can be checked in. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusCanCheckout = 0x00020000
 File can be checked out. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusCanUndoCheckout = 0x00040000
 Can undo checkout. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusCanGetLatest = 0x00080000
 Can get latest version of file. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusCanAddFile = 0x00100000
 File can be added. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusCanShowHistory = 0x00200000
 File history can be shown. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusCanShowProperties = 0x00400000
 File properties can be shown. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusSelected = 0x0001
 File is marked as selected. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusChecked = 0x0002
 File is checked. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusActive = 0x0004
 File is marked as active in ATSFileList. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusExcluded = 0x0008
 File is marked as excluded from Provider's control. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusHide = 0x0010
 File is marked for hidden status on Add action. More...
const ATSOption kATSOptNone = 0x0000
 No options. More...
const ATSOption kATSOptKeepCheckedOut = 0x0001
 Keep file(s) checked out after checkin or add. More...
const ATSOption kATSOptReplaceLocalCopy = 0x0002
 Overwrite local after checkout or undo checkout. More...
const ATSOption kATSOptSilent = 0x0004
 Provider should suppress dialogs. More...
const ATSOption kATSOptAssocChildren = 0x0008
 Include children in file assoc. More...
const ATSOption kATSOptAssocParents = 0x0010
 Include parents in file assoc. More...
const ATSOption kATSOptAssocRecurse = 0x0020
 Recurse file associations. More...
const ATSOption kATSSupportNone = 0x0000
 No options. More...
const ATSOption kATSSupportFileAssoc = 0x0001
 Supports file associations. More...
const ATSOption kATSSupportExploreProvider = 0x0002
 Supports browse provider files. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusTextNone = 0x0000
 Status not specified. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusTextInfo = 0x0001
 Informational message. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusTextWarning = 0x0002
 Warning message. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusTextError = 0x0004
 Error message. More...
const ATSStatus kATSStatusTextPrompt = 0x0008
 Display dialog with message. More...
const ATSOption kATSClientOptNone = 0x0000
 No options. More...
const ATSOption kATSClientOptUIAlwaysOnTop = 0x0001
 All dialogs should be created with AlwaysOnTop state. More...

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ ATSExport

#define ATSExport   __declspec( dllexport )


#define IS_ATS_ERROR (   res)    ( ((res) < kATSResSuccess) ? true : false )

Error test for ATSResults.


#define IS_ATS_SUCCESS (   res)    ( ((res) >= kATSResSuccess) ? true : false )

Success test for ATSResults.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ATSResult

typedef int ATSResult

Result codes.

◆ ATSStatus

typedef DWORD ATSStatus

Status flags.

◆ ATSOption

typedef DWORD ATSOption

Option flags.

◆ ATSClientPtr

typedef LONG_PTR ATSClientPtr

Client supplied pointers and values.

◆ ATSVersion

typedef DWORD ATSVersion

ATS file version type.

◆ ATSString

typedef std::basic_string<MCHAR> ATSString

ATS string type.