3ds Max C++ API Reference
channels.h File Reference
#include "maxtypes.h"


Channels within the object.
#define NUM_OBJ_CHANS   11
Object Channel Indices

The following are the indices that may be used for the object channels.

These values are used in the methods Object::UpdateValidity(), Object::SetChannelValidity() and Object::ChannelValidity().

#define TOPO_CHAN_NUM   0
 The topology channel number. More...
#define GEOM_CHAN_NUM   1
 The geometry channel number. More...
#define TEXMAP_CHAN_NUM   2
 The texture vertices and procedural mappings channels number. More...
#define MTL_CHAN_NUM   3
 This is no longer used. More...
#define SELECT_CHAN_NUM   4
 The sub-object selection channel number. More...
 This is the current level of selection number. More...
 The display channel number. More...
 The vertex colors number. This is also used for the second mapping channel. More...
#define GFX_DATA_CHAN_NUM   8
 The stripping, edge list, etc. channel number. More...
 The displacement approximation channel number. More...
 The extension object channel number. More...


typedef ULONG ChannelMask



The pipeline is divided into the following channels:

const ChannelMask TOPO_CHANNEL = (ChannelMask)(1<<0)
 The topology channel - the face or polygon structures.
const ChannelMask GEOM_CHANNEL = (ChannelMask)(1<<1)
 The vertices of the object. More...
const ChannelMask TEXMAP_CHANNEL = (ChannelMask)(1<<2)
 The texture vertices and procedural mappings. More...
const ChannelMask MTL_CHANNEL = (ChannelMask)(1<<3)
 This is no longer used. More...
const ChannelMask SELECT_CHANNEL = (ChannelMask)(1<<4)
 The sub-object selection channel. More...
const ChannelMask SUBSEL_TYPE_CHANNEL = (ChannelMask)(1<<5)
 The current level of selection. More...
const ChannelMask DISP_ATTRIB_CHANNEL = (ChannelMask)(1<<6)
 The miscellaneous bits controlling the item's display. More...
const ChannelMask VERTCOLOR_CHANNEL = (ChannelMask)(1<<7)
 The color per vertex channel. More...
const ChannelMask GFX_DATA_CHANNEL = (ChannelMask)(1<<8)
 The used internally by 3ds Max for stripping. More...
const ChannelMask DISP_APPROX_CHANNEL = (ChannelMask)(1<<9)
 Displacement approximation. More...
const ChannelMask EXTENSION_CHANNEL = (ChannelMask)(1<<13)
 The channel used by extension channel objects. More...
const ChannelMask TM_CHANNEL = (ChannelMask)(1<<10)
 The ObjectState Transform that flows down the pipeline. More...
const ChannelMask EDGEVISIBLITY_CHANNEL = (ChannelMask)(1<<11)
 For internal use. More...
const ChannelMask DONT_RECREATE_TRISTRIP_CHANNEL = (ChannelMask)(1<<12)
 For internal use. More...
const ChannelMask GLOBMTL_CHANNEL = (ChannelMask)(1<<31)
 This is no longer used. More...
 All geometry channels. More...
 All object, transform and global material channels. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define NUM_OBJ_CHANS   11

Typedef Documentation

◆ ChannelMask

typedef ULONG ChannelMask