Transfer interactive grooms from one mesh to another
You can transfer your interactive grooms to other character meshes using the Transfer command. The source and target meshes do not need to have the same topology, so you can transfer hair to low or high resolution versions of your character mesh or to different mesh shapes.
When you transfer a groom, note that:
Any texture map assigned to the source character mesh as a mask or region map must be repainted or reapplied to the target mesh.
Modifier nodes are not transferred from the source description. Their effects get baked and saved to the new description node that is bound to the target mesh.
Select the target character mesh object.
In the
Interactive Groom Editor, Shift + select the source description of the groom you want to transfer.
From the
Interactive Groom Editor menu, select
Description > Transfer.
Maya creates a new description, consisting of a descriptionShape and description_base nodes, and binds it to the target character mesh object.
(Optional) To edit the groom using an interactive grooming tool, add a
modifier to its description node.