Connect maps to a Stingray Physically Based Shader

By default, the Stingray PBS node accepts inputs for six different types of maps:

In addition, three files are pre-connected for image-based lighting, and their connected file nodes are shared amongst all Stingray PBS nodes in the scene. You can find these connections in the Textures Global section of the Attribute Editor.

In addition to the above Standard preset, two other presets are available that enable you to do the following. Switch to these presets using the Preset Material drop-down list in the Attribute Editor.

Connect these maps in one of two ways:

Using the Attribute Editor

  1. Select the Stingray PBS node.

  2. In the Attribute Editor, under the Textures heading, click the icon where you want to connect a map (for example, Color Map).

    This creates a file node, and displays its attributes in the Attribute Editor.

  3. In the File node attributes, click the folder icon next to Image name and navigate to select your texture map.
  4. Select the Stingray PBS node again, then enable the corresponding Use * Map attribute (for example, Use Color Map) in the Attribute Editor.

Using the Hypershade

  1. In the Hypershade work area, create a File node, and navigate to your texture map. See Create and connect nodes in the Hypershade.

  2. Connect the OutColor output of the File node to the map input attribute of the Stingray PBS node; for example, TEX Color Map.

  3. Enable the corresponding Use * Map attribute (for example, Use Color Map) in the Attribute Editor.

Note: Only the path of the file texture is read from the File node. Other connections, such as place2dTexture, are ignored. UV co-ordinates for the texture are determined by the UV set node (such as Texccord0) in the ShaderFX graph that corresponds to the Stingray PBS node.