Create a Stingray Physically Based Shader

You can create and assign a physically based shader that respects the laws of physics and energy conservation. The Stingray PBS (physically based shader) node lets you balance diffusion/reflection and microsurface detail/reflectivity using roughness, normal, and metallic maps.

To create a Stingray Physically Based Shader

  1. Do any of the following:
    • Right-click an object and select Assign New Material, then select Stingray PBS from the Assign New Material window.
    • Open the Hypershade window, then select Stingray PBS from the Maya category, Surface subcategory.

      (To assign the Stingray PBS to an object, you can middle-drag the material from the Hypershade to the object in your scene, just as you would any other Maya shader.)

You can then do the following:

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