
This node manages the instances of scene objects created by a MASH network when the Geometry Type is set to Instances.

Instances are more functionally limited but perform faster than MASH Repros. However, they work best in MASH networks with a low number of unique IDs and will slow down considerably if you try to instance too many unique objects at once.


Rotation Angle Units
Specifies the type of units used by the Instancer to calculate instance rotations.
Rotation Order
Specifies the order in which rotations are applied to instanced objects.
Level of Detail
Specifies how instances are displayed.
  • Geometry: Displays the full geometry of the original object.
  • Bounding Boxes: Displays a wireframe bounding box for each instance.
  • Bounding Box: Displays a single wireframe bounding box representing the entire network.
Determines how to apply the MASH network to all the Instanced Objects. None applies it only to the first object in the list, while Sequential applies it to each object in succession.
Cycle Step Unit
Specifies the interval at which the network is applied to Instanced Objects according tot he Cycle.
Cycle Step
Specifies how many Cycle Step Units to increment before the start of a new Cycle.
Display Percentage
Specifies what percentage of the points to display in the Viewport. Useful for speeding up interactive performance.
Note: All points will still be rendered.
Instanced Objects
Displays the objects being instanced by this particular Instancer node alongside their IDs on the left. You can use the buttons below it to add or remove selected objects, as well as changing the order of their ID assignment.