
Constrains points to each other or specific spots/objects in a MASH Dynamics simulation. Note that constraints are only applied at the beginning of a simulation, not during.

Determines the way that points will be constrained at the beginning of a simulation. Options include:
  • Glue: Rigid constraint that keeps points the same relative distance from objects/points constraining them.
  • Spring: Stretchy constraint affected by forces.
  • Slider: Semi-rigid constraint that allows you to limit the distance/axes that points can move away from the objects/points constraining them.
  • Custom: Allows you to customize which attributes are constrained using Limits and Motors.
Sets whether the constraint can be broken with enough force.
Breaking Threshold
Sets the amount of force required to break the constraint when Constraint Breakable is enabled.
Continuous Creation
Sets whether constraints should be continually evaluated and created during playback, or only created once at the beginning.
Connection Mode
Determines the way that objects are constrained to each other. Options include:
  • Connect Touching: Constrain objects that are touching each other.
  • Connect Nearest: Constrain objects within the Search Distance of each other.
  • Connect to Point: Constrains objects to their original MASH points.
  • Connect to Offset Point: Constrains objects to their original MASH points
  • Connect to Input Points: Constrains objects to the node's Input Points attribute. Use this to constrain one MASH network to another via their point IDs.
Maximum Constraints
Sets the number of constraints allowable to each object.
Search Distance
Sets the distance at which points will be constrained to each other when Constraint Mode is set to Connect Nearest.
Sets the offset value when Constraint Mode is set to Connect to Offset Point.
Controller Null
Displays the locator representing the point when Constraint Mode is set to Connect to Point. You can create a new locator by right-clicking this field and selecting Create, or connecting it to an existing locator. You can also right-click an existing node in this field to break the connection to it.
Constraint Positions
Determines the input points when Constraint Mode is set to Input Points. You can middle-drag another MASH network's Waiter node here to constrain this network's points to it.

Connection Masking

Allows you to use a 2D map to drive which objects are constrained.

Mask Map
Specifies the map used to determine the constraints. Areas lower than the color threshold will be constrained.
Color Threshold
Sets the threshold value between color values (RGB or CMYK) at which a constraint cannot be made. Higher values require a more drastic color change between regions to prevent constraints.
Map Projection Axis
Sets the direction from which the Connection Color map is projected.


Controls the properties of the spring constraints when Constraint Type is set to Spring.

Positional Spring

Rest Length
Determines the length at which the constraint tries to stay.
Movement Range
Determines the range within which the points can move as they attempt to achieve Rest Length.
Enable X, Enable Y, Enable Z
Determines the axes that the Positional Spring attributes affect.
Determines the strength with which the constraint tries to maintain its length.
Determines how strongly the position of the constraint is dampened by its physical attributes. Lower values cause the points to come to a rest faster.

Rotational Spring

Enable X, Enable Y, Enable Z
Determines the axes that the Rotational Spring attributes affect.
Determines the strength with which the constraint tries to maintain its orientation.
Determines how strongly the rotation of the constraint is dampened by its physical attributes. Lower values cause the points to come to a rest faster.


Applies a motor force to the constraints when Constraint Type is set to Custom.

Positional Motor

Adds a directional force to the constraint.

Target Speed
Sets the directional speed at which linear force will stop being applied.
Maximum Force
Sets the maximum directional force applied to each axis of the constraint to achieve Target Speed.

Rotational Motor

Adds a rotation force to the constraint.

Target Speed
Sets the rotation speed at which linear force will stop being applied.
Maximum Force
Sets the amount of rotation force applied to each axis of the constraint.


Allows you to lock or place limits on the constraint's positional and rotational freedoms.

Positional Limits

Limit Type X, Y, Z
Specifies the constraint's positional freedom in each axis.
  • Free: The constraint can stretch endlessly in this axis.
  • Fixed: The constraint cannot be stretched in this axis.
  • Limited: The constraint can stretch to any value between the Minimum and Maximum Limit.
Minimum Limits, Maximum Limits
Determines the bounds that a constraint can stretch when a Limit Type is set to Limited.

Rotational Limits

Limit Type X, Y, Z
Specifies the constraint's rotational freedom in each axis.
  • Free: The constraint can spin endlessly in this axis.
  • Fixed: The constraint cannot spin in this axis.
  • Limited: The constraint can spin to any value between the Minimum and Maximum Limit.
Minimum Limits, Maximum Limits
Determines the bounds that a constraint can spin when a Limit Type is set to Limited.

Per Point Attributes

Allows you to modify specific constraint attributes using a ChannelRandom node. Right-click to create a new randomizer. If one already exists, right-click it to show it in the Outliner or break its connection.