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Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Related. Flags. Python examples.


displaySmoothness( [objects] , [all=boolean], [boundary=boolean], [defaultCreation=boolean], [divisionsU=int], [divisionsV=int], [full=boolean], [hull=boolean], [pointsShaded=int], [pointsWire=int], [polygonObject=int], [renderTessellation=boolean], [simplifyU=int], [simplifyV=int])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

displaySmoothness is undoable, queryable, and NOT editable.

This command is responsible for setting the display smoothness of NURBS curves and surfaces to either predefined or custom values. It also sets display modes for smoothness such as hulls and the hull simplification factors. At present, this command is NOT un-doable.

Return value


In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


currentUnit, displayAffected, displayColor, displayCull, displayLevelOfDetail, displayPref, displayRGBColor, displayStats, displaySurface, hide, refresh, showHidden, toggle


all, boundary, defaultCreation, divisionsU, divisionsV, full, hull, pointsShaded, pointsWire, polygonObject, renderTessellation, simplifyU, simplifyV
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
all(all) boolean createquery
Change smoothness for all curves and surfaces
boundary(bn) boolean createquery
Display wireframe surfaces using only the boundaries of the surface Not fully implemented yet
defaultCreation(dc) boolean createquery
The default values at creation (applies only -du, -dv, -pw, -ps)
divisionsU(du) int createquery
Number of isoparm divisions per span in the U direction. The valid range of values is [0,64].
divisionsV(dv) int createquery
Number of isoparm divisions per span in the V direction. The valid range of values is [0,64].
full(f) boolean createquery
Display surface at full resolution - the default.
hull(hl) boolean createquery
Display surface using the hull (control points are drawn rather than surface knot points). This mode is a useful display performance improvement when modifying a surface since it doesn't require evaluating points on the surface.
pointsShaded(ps) int createquery
Number of points per surface span in shaded mode. The valid range of values is [1,64].
pointsWire(pw) int createquery
Number of points per surface isoparm span or the number of points per curve span in wireframe mode. The valid range of values is [1,128]. Note: This is the only flag that also applies to nurbs curves.
polygonObject(po) int createquery
Display the polygon objects with the given resolution
renderTessellation(rt) boolean createquery
Display using render tesselation parameters when in shaded mode.
simplifyU(su) int createquery
Number of spans to skip in the U direction when in hull display mode.
simplifyV(sv) int createquery
Number of spans to skip in the V direction when in hull display mode.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

# create a surface

# set rough smoothness settings
cmds.displaySmoothness( du=0, dv=0, pw=4, ps=1 )

# set medium smoothness settings
cmds.displaySmoothness( du=1, dv=1, pw=8, ps=2 )

# set fine smoothness settings
cmds.displaySmoothness( du=2, dv=2, pw=16, ps=4 )

# Display surface as a hull
cmds.displaySmoothness( hull=True )

# Display with reduced number of points
cmds.displaySmoothness( hull=True, su=2, sv=2 )

# Display rendering tesselation
cmds.displaySmoothness( rt=1 )

# Set default value for pointsShaded.
# Subsequent surfaces created will have pointsShaded as 2.
cmds.displaySmoothness( dc=True, ps=2 )

# displaySmoothness queries
# query hull display, returns boolean
cmds.displaySmoothness( q=True, hull=True )

# query default pointsShaded value
cmds.displaySmoothness( q=True, dc=True, ps=True )

# query surface divisionsU value
cmds.displaySmoothness( q=True, du=True )

# Only the -pointsWire flag works on curves.

# change the number of points displayed per curve span.
cmds.displaySmoothness( pw=3 )
# query default pointsWire value for curves.
cmds.displaySmoothness( q=True, dc=True, pw=True )


# Query the display resolution
cmds.displaySmoothness( q=True, polygonObject=True )
# Result: 0

# Change the display resolution
cmds.displaySmoothness( polygonObject=2 )