Gap Element Results Column Descriptions

Vector Id Label Description
3226 GAP AXIAL FORCE Gap element axial force (contact force). Controlled by FORCE or STRESS Case Control command.
3227 GAP RESULTANT SHEAR FORCE Gap element shear force (due to friction) vector resultant. Controlled by FORCE or STRESS Case Control command.
3228 GAP SHEAR FORCE-Y Gap element shear force (due to friction) in element y-direction. Controlled by FORCE or STRESS Case Control command.
3229 GAP SHEAR FORCE-Z Gap element shear force (due to friction) in element z-direction. Controlled by FORCE or STRESS Case Control command.
3230 GAP AXIAL DISPLACEMENT Gap element axial displacement. Controlled by FORCE or STRESS Case Control command.
3231 GAP TOTAL DISPLACEMENT-Y Gap element total displacement in element y-direction. Controlled by FORCE or STRESS Case Control command.
3232 GAP TOTAL DISPLACEMENT-Z Gap element total displacement in element z-direction. Controlled by FORCE or STRESS Case Control command.
3233 GAP SLIP DISPLACEMENT-Y Gap element slip displacement in element y-direction. Controlled by FORCE or STRESS Case Control command.
3234 GAP SLIP DISPLACEMENT-Z Gap element slip displacement in element z-direction. Controlled by FORCE or STRESS Case Control command.
3460 GAP STATUS Gap element status (1=open, 2=slide - closed with no friction defined, 3=stick - closed with friction and holding, 4=slip - closed with friction and slipping). Controlled by FORCE or STRESS Case Control command.
3461 GAP RESULTANT INPLANE DISPLACEMENT Gap element total displacement vector resultant. Controlled by FORCE or STRESS Case Control command.
3462 GAP RESULTANT SLIP DISPLACEMENT Gap element slip displacement vector resultant. Controlled by FORCE or STRESS Case Control command.