Solid Element Property

Description: Defines the properties of solid elements (CHEXA, CPENTA, CPYRA, and CTETRA entries).



Field Definition Type Default
PID Property identification number. Integer > 0 Required
MID Identification number of a MAT1, MAT9, MAT12, or MATHP, or MATHP1 entry. Integer > 0 Required
MCID Identification number of the material coordinate system. See Remarks 3 and 4. Integer ≥ -1 or blank See Remark 3
PCPID Identification number of a PCOMP entry. See Remark 5. Integer > 0


  1. PSOLID entries must have unique identification numbers.
  2. Isotropic (MAT1), anisotropic (MAT9), or orthotropic (MAT12) material properties may be referenced.
  3. See the CHEXA, CPENTA, CPYRA, or CTETRA entry for the definition of the element coordinate system. The material coordinate system (MCID) may be the basic system (0), any defined system (Integer > 0), or the element coordinate system (-1 or blank). The default for MCID is the element coordinate system.
  4. If MID references a MAT9 entry, then MCID defines the material property coordinate system for Gij on the MAT9 entry. If MID references a MAT12 entry, then MCID defines the material property coordinate system for the Ei, Gi, and NUij on the MAT12 entry.
  5. A non-zero PCPID value in field 5 specifies a layered solid element where the ply definitions are given on the referenced PCOMP Bulk Data entry. The ply orientation is relative to the element material x-direction similar to that of a composite shell element. The element material x-direction is defined by projecting the MCID x-axis onto a surface defined by the element z-axis. The element z-axis also defines the element thickness direction. Only CHEXA and CPENTA elements may be referenced if the property defines a layered solid element.

Figure 1. Layered Solid Element MCID Coordinate System Definition