Pipe Element Results Column Descriptions

Vector Id Label Description
3223 PIPE EFFECTIVE STRAIN-CREEP Pipe element effective creep strain. Controlled by NLSTRESS Case Control command.
3222 PIPE EFFECTIVE STRAIN-ELASTIC Pipe element effective axial strain. Note that for prestress solutions, regardless of PARAM, ADDPRESTRESS setting, effective strain will not include prestress contribution. Controlled by STRESS or STRAIN Case Control commands.
3222 PIPE EFFECTIVE STRAIN-PLASTIC/NONLINEAR ELASTIC Pipe element effective strain (nonlinear elastic material) or plastic strain (elastic-plastic material). Controlled by NLSTRESS Case Control command.
3221 PIPE EQUIVALENT STRESS Pipe element nonlinear equivalent axial stress (material nonlinear solutions) or axial stress (linear solutions). Note that for prestress solutions, regardless of PARAM, ADDPRESTRESS setting, equivalent stress will not include prestress contribution. Controlled by STRESS or STRAIN Case Control commands (linear solutions) and NLSTRESS Case Control command (nonlinear solutions).
3314 PIPE FORCE END A-X Pipe element axial force at end A in element x-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3310 PIPE FORCE END A-Y PLANE 1 Pipe element transverse shear force at end A in element y-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3311 PIPE FORCE END A-Z PLANE 2 Pipe element transverse shear force at end A in element z-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3315 PIPE FORCE END B-X Pipe element axial force at end B in element x-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3312 PIPE FORCE END B-Y PLANE 1 Pipe element transverse shear force at end B in element y-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3313 PIPE FORCE END B-Z PLANE 2 Pipe element transverse shear force at end B in element z-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3224 PIPE LOCATION A Pipe element end A location.
3225 PIPE LOCATION B Pipe element end B location.
3316 PIPE MOMENT END A-X Pipe element torque at end A about element x-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3307 PIPE MOMENT END A-Y PLANE 2 Pipe element bending moment at end A about element y-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3306 PIPE MOMENT END A-Z PLANE 1 Pipe element bending moment at end A about element z-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3317 PIPE MOMENT END B-X Pipe element torque at end B about element x-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3309 PIPE MOMENT END B-Y PLANE 2 Pipe element bending moment at end B about element y-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3308 PIPE MOMENT END B-Z PLANE 1 Pipe element bending moment at end B about element z-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3206 PIPE STRESS END A-HOOP Pipe element hoop stress at end A. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3205 PIPE STRESS END A-LONGITUDINAL Pipe element longitudinal stress at end A. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3209 PIPE STRESS END A-MAX PRINCIPAL Pipe element maximum principal stress at end A. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3210 PIPE STRESS END A-MAX SHEAR Pipe element maximum shear stress at end A. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3211 PIPE STRESS END A-OCTAHEDRAL Pipe element maximum principal stress at end A. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3208 PIPE STRESS END A-SHEAR Pipe element shear stress at end A. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3207 PIPE STRESS END A-TORSIONAL Pipe element torsional stress at end A. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3213 PIPE STRESS END B-HOOP Pipe element hoop stress at end B. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3212 PIPE STRESS END B-LONGITUDINAL Pipe element longitudinal stress at end B. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3216 PIPE STRESS END B-MAX PRINCIPAL Pipe element maximum principal stress at end B. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3217 PIPE STRESS END B-MAX SHEAR Pipe element maximum shear stress at end B. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3218 PIPE STRESS END B-OCTAHEDRAL Pipe element octahedral stress at end B. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3215 PIPE STRESS END B-SHEAR Pipe element shear stress at end B. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3214 PIPE STRESS END B-TORSIONAL Pipe element torsional stress at end B. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3219 PIPE STRESS-MAX PRINCIPAL Pipe element maximum principal stress at end A and B. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3220 PIPE STRESS-OCTAHEDRAL Pipe element octahedral stress at end A and B. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3481 PIPE STATUS Solution and option dependent. In modal summation solutions (DDAM) STATUS, is the mode number with the maximum response in the NRL summation.