Weld Element Results Column Descriptions

Vector Id Label Description
3301 WELD EFFECTIVE STRAIN-CREEP Weld element effective creep strain. Controlled by NLSTRESS Case Control command.
3300 WELD EFFECTIVE STRAIN-ELASTIC Weld element effective axial strain. Note that for prestress solutions, regardless of PARAM, ADDPRESTRESS setting, effective strain will not include prestress contribution. Controlled by STRESS or STRAIN Case Control commands.
3300 WELD EFFECTIVE STRAIN-PLASTIC/NONLINEAR ELASTIC Weld element effective strain (nonlinear elastic material) or plastic strain (elastic-plastic material). Controlled by NLSTRESS Case Control command.
3299 WELD EQUIVALENT STRESS Weld element nonlinear equivalent axial stress (material nonlinear solutions) or axial stress (linear solutions). Note that for prestress solutions, regardless of PARAM, ADDPRESTRESS setting, equivalent stress will not include prestress contribution. Controlled by STRESS or STRAIN Case Control commands (linear solutions) and NLSTRESS Case Control command (nonlinear solutions).
3328 WELD FORCE END A-X Weld element axial force at end A in element x-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3324 WELD FORCE END A-Y PLANE 1 Weld element transverse shear force at end A in element y-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3325 WELD FORCE END A-Z PLANE 2 Weld element transverse shear force at end A in element z-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3329 WELD FORCE END B-X Weld element axial force at end B in element x-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3326 WELD FORCE END B-Y PLANE 1 Weld element transverse shear force at end B in element y-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3327 WELD FORCE END B-Z PLANE 2 Weld element transverse shear force at end B in element z-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3254 WELD LOCATION A Weld element end A location.
3255 WELD LOCATION B Weld element end B location.
3330 WELD MOMENT END A-X Weld element torque at end A about element x-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3321 WELD MOMENT END A-Y PLANE 2 Weld element bending moment at end A about element y-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3320 WELD MOMENT END A-Z PLANE 1 Weld element bending moment at end A about element z-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3331 WELD MOMENT END B-X Weld element torque at end B about element x-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3323 WELD MOMENT END B-Y PLANE 2 Weld element bending moment at end B about element y-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3322 WELD MOMENT END B-Z PLANE 1 Weld element bending moment at end B about element z-direction. Controlled by FORCE Case Control command.
3240 WELD STRESS END A-LONGITUDINAL Weld element longitudinal stress at end A. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3243 WELD STRESS END A-MAX PRINCIPAL Weld element maximum principal stress at end A. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3244 WELD STRESS END A-MAX SHEAR Weld element maximum shear stress at end A. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3242 WELD STRESS END A-SHEAR Weld element shear stress at end A. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3241 WELD STRESS END A-TORSIONAL Weld element torsional stress at end A. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3245 WELD STRESS END B-LONGITUDINAL Weld element longitudinal stress at end B. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3248 WELD STRESS END B-MAX PRINCIPAL Weld element maximum principal stress at end B. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3249 WELD STRESS END B-MAX SHEAR Weld element maximum shear stress at end B. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3247 WELD STRESS END B-SHEAR Weld element shear stress at end B. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3246 WELD STRESS END B-TORSIONAL Weld element torsional stress at end B. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3250 WELD STRESS-MAX PRINCIPAL Weld element maximum principal stress at end A and B. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
3481 WELD STATUS Solution and option dependent. In modal summation solutions (DDAM) STATUS, is the mode number with the maximum response in the NRL summation.