Form Modification Reference

Modify forms by adjusting points and vertices, and by adding, deleting, and modifying edges and profiles.

When a form is selected in the conceptual design environment, the following modification tools are available.

Panel Tool Description
Select Modify Click and drag form geometry elements
Draw Line tools Create unconstrained and reference-based forms.
Properties Properties Defines instance and type properties.
Mode Edit Profile Modifies the sketch on which the form is based.
Form Create Form Creates solid forms.
  Solid Form Creates a solid form or changes a void form to a solid.
  Void Form Creates a void form or changes a solid form to a void.
Divide Divide Surface Divides a surface.
Form Element X-Ray Shows/hides the underlying geometric skeleton of a form, making it easier to select form elements.
  Add Edge Adds edges to a form.
  Add Profile Adds profiles to a form.
  Dissolve Removes the surfaces of a form.
  Lock Profiles Locks the form locked to the top and bottom profiles.
  Unlock Profiles Unlocks the form profiles for individual editing.
  Pick New Host Moves the form to a new host.