Workflow: Working on a Team Project

To work on a team project that has been enabled for worksharing, use the following general workflow.

  1. Open worksets so they are visible in the project.
  2. (Optional) Make the workset editable. Refer to Best Practices: Working on a Team Project for more information.
  3. Edit a workset.
  4. Synchronize with the central model or reload the latest changes from the central model.

    Typical worksharing tasks include the following:

    • Create a local copy of the central model.

      It is generally recommended that you create a local copy of the central model every day. After you create a local copy of the central model, this is the file you work in.

      See Create a Local Copy of a Central Model.

    • Open and edit your local copy of the central model.

      You can make edits by borrowing elements or using worksets.

      See Worksets and Editing Elements in Other Worksets.

    • Publish your changes to the central model, or get the latest changes from the central model.

      Publishing your changes is known as synchronizing with central. You can update your local copy of the central model without synchronizing with central by reloading the latest updates from the central model. Also, when you Synchronize with Central, your local copy of the central model also updates with the latest changes other team members have saved to the central model.

      See Saving Workshared Files and Reload the Latest Version of the Central Model.

    • Work offsite or offline.

      You do not have to be connected to a network to make your changes, or to open or edit worksets. This is useful for team members who work offsite and access the central model remotely.

      Danger: Working offline can put your project at risk.

      See Work Offsite and Offline.

    When you Synchronize with Central, the latest changes from the central model are loaded before saving.