About Performance When Exporting Multiple Files to DWF

When you export multiple views and sheets to DWF, the software uses multiple processes to reduce the time required to complete the export operation.

For export to DWF or DWFx, you can select one or more views and sheets. When you export multiple views/sheets to multiple output files, the software uses additional worker processes to perform the export work using multiple threads. As a result, the DWF export operation finishes more quickly. (The Revit software is unavailable to perform other work until the export operation completes.)

These worker processes are named RevitWorkern.exe, where n is a sequence number for each individual process. By default, the software uses 2 worker processes.

To use additional processes on your computer for export operations (to further speed completion), edit Revit.ini to change the value of the ExportDwfNumberOfWorkers setting in the Export section. This setting allows you to take advantage of desktop computers with more computing power. See Export Settings in Revit.ini.

For multiple worker processes to assist with the DWF export operation, the following must be true: