Spot Elevation Instance Properties

Change instance properties for spot elevations to modify the relative base, leader, and elevation display.

Name Description
Relative Base The level from which the elevation is reported. This property can be edited for relative spot elevations, and is a read-only value for project spot elevations.
Leader If selected, the spot elevation includes a leader line. When not selected, no leader line displays.
Leader Shoulder When Leader is selected, you can add a shoulder (a bend) to the leader line.
Display Elevations Specify the elevation you want to display:
  • Actual (Selected) Elevation. Displays the elevation of the selected point on the element.
  • Top Elevation. Displays the top elevation of the element.
  • Bottom Elevation. Displays the bottom elevation of the element.
  • Top & Bottom Elevation. Displays the top and bottom elevations of the element.

This parameter is enabled when you place a spot elevation in a plan view.

Single/Upper Value The actual elevation of the selected point or the upper elevation value. This is a read-only value.
Single/Upper Value Prefix Add prefix text to the single or upper dimension value.
Single/Upper Value Suffix Add suffix text to the single or upper dimension value.
Lower Value The actual lower elevation value reported. This is a read-only value.
Lower Value Prefix Add prefix text to the lower dimension value.
Lower Value Suffix Add suffix text to the lower dimension value.