Add a Revision Schedule to a Title Block

Providing revision schedules helps track the evolution of changes to a project.

  1. Open a title block for editing.
  2. (Optional) In the title block, sketch a border for the revision schedule area.
  3. Click View tabCreate panel (Revision Schedule).
  4. On the Fields tab of the Revision Properties dialog, add the fields to include in the schedule.

    These fields correspond to columns of the Sheet Issues/Revisions dialog for a project.

    The Revision Sequence field corresponds to the Sequence column of the dialog. This field indicates the overall sequence of revisions in a project, regardless of their assigned revision numbers.

  5. Specify sorting for the revision schedule, as follows:
    1. Click the Sorting/Grouping tab of the Revision Properties dialog.
    2. For Sort by, select Revision Sequence, and specify Ascending or Descending.
    3. Ensure that Itemize every instance is selected.
  6. Specify formatting for column headings in the revision schedule, as follows:
    1. Click the Formatting tab of the Revision Properties dialog.
    2. In the Fields list, select a field.
    3. Specify the heading, orientation, and alignment for the field.
    4. If you want to omit the selected field from the revision schedule, select Hidden field.

      Use the Hidden field option, for example, if you want to use the field for sorting or grouping but do not want it to display in the revision schedule.

    Repeat these steps for each field in the revision schedule.

  7. Specify display attributes for lines, text fonts, and schedule order and height, as follows:
    1. Click the Appearance tab of the Revision Properties dialog.
    2. For Build schedule, specify whether the revision schedule builds from the bottom up or the top down.
    3. For Height, specify whether the height of the revision schedule is user defined (fixed) or variable.
    4. Use the remaining options of the Appearance tab to define attributes for grid lines, header text, and body text.
  8. Click OK.

    Revit creates the revision schedule and displays it in the drawing area.

  9. In the Project Browser, double-click the empty node under Sheets (all).

    The title block displays in the drawing area.

  10. In the Project Browser, under Views (all)Schedules, select the revision schedule, and drag it to the drawing area.
  11. Place the revision schedule in the desired location on the title block.

    To change the width of columns, select the revision schedule, and drag the blue triangles between column headers.

  12. (Optional) Rotate the revision schedule on the title block.
  13. To save the title block, on the Quick Access toolbar, click (Save).
  14. Load the title block into one or more open projects.