Masking Region Properties

To see or change masking region properties, select a masking region and see the Properties palette.

Properties for Masking Regions in Projects

Name Description
Area The area of the masking region. This is a read-only value.
Identity Data
Comments Comments for the masking region.
Mark An instance-specific label used, for example, as a shop mark. This value must be unique for each element in a project. Revit warns you if the value is in use, but allows you to continue using it. You can see the warning using the Review Warnings command. See Reviewing Warning Messages.
Name Description
Draw in Foreground Draws the masking region on the closest work plane in the view. This property is only available in the Family Editor when you are creating or modifying a 3D family. For more information, see Masking Regions in Model Families.
Work Plane The work plane of the masking region. This is a read-only value and is only available in the Family Editor.
Visible Determines whether the masking region is visible when the family is loaded into a project, and then placed in the drawing area. This property is only available when you are creating or modifying a masking region in the Family Editor.
Visibility/Graphics Overrides Select the detail level at which you want the masking region to display in a project: Coarse, Medium, or Fine. Detail levels are dependent on the view scale. This property is only available in the Family Editor.
Area The area of the masking region. This is a read-only value.
Identity Data
Comments Comments for the masking region.