Revit provides a set of sample study types (Dynamo graphs) to demonstrate how generative design can be used to generate outcomes for design challenges.
Before using these study types to create studies, read the following pages to understand how they work and how to prepare the target model. This information is helpful whether you are creating a study using Generative Design in Revit or using Dynamo.
Dynamo authors may find it useful to examine these examples to learn how to create study types that address your specific design challenges. After creating and testing your own study types, be sure to provide similar information (to that provided on these pages) for the Revit architects or engineers who will use them. See Generative Design for the Dynamo Author.
When you install and launch Revit, the sample study types are stored in the following location on your local computer:
To create a study using a sample study type, in the Create Study dialog, for Choose Folder, select Autodesk Samples.
Sample study types are read-only. If desired, you can use a sample study type as a starting point for your own study type. Open it in Dynamo and use FileSave As to save it with a new name and in a new location. See Create a Study Type.