About Generative Design Studies

When using Generative Design in Revit to generate design alternatives, you choose the type of study to create from a list.

Video: Create a Generative Design Study

Study types

Generative Design provides an initial set of study types to choose from. These study types are based on Dynamo graphs (scripts), each of which addresses a particular design problem.

Here are examples of the types of problems that Generative Design can address:

For information about the sample study types provided with the Revit installation, see Sample Study Types.

Using Dynamo, you can create study types to address specific design challenges in your work. After creating and testing a new study type, the author can share it with team members for use in Generative Design in Revit.


A study is an instance of the study type.

The study has a unique name and a defined set of criteria. When the generative design process is complete, that study has a specific set of outcomes (design alternatives) that you can explore.

If you want to iterate or refine your exploration of the design space, create a new study using the same study type but specifying different criteria and a different study name. You can iterate the process any number of times, tweaking the criteria each time to come closer to a desired result.