Edit a Part Division

Edit the sketched geometry or reference elements (levels, grids, or reference planes) that define the division of a part or parts into smaller parts.

To edit the geometry of an individual part, see Editing Part Geometry .
  1. Select one of the parts that resulted from dividing a larger part.
  2. Click Modify | Parts tab Part panel (Edit Division).

    The original part displays in light blue and the division lines in green.

  3. In this edit mode, you can do the following:
    • Select a different reference as a divider.
    • Click (Edit Sketch), use the tools on the Draw panel to add further dividing geometry, and then click (Finish) to exit the sketch mode.
    • Select a division line and drag it to a new position or delete it.
    • Specify the distance between divided parts by modifying the value of the Divider gap parameter on the Properties palette.
    • Apply a profile to part edges along dividers by selecting one from the Split Profile Type drop-down on the Properties palette. Use the other parameters under Dimensions to configure the profile as needed.
    • Add other parts to the division by clicking Modify | Division tab Divided Parts panel (Add) and then selecting the parts to be added. If the division is defined by sketched lines, the lines must extend through the dashed line that displays outside the border of a selected part in edit mode.
    • Remove parts from the division by clicking Modify | Division tab Divided Parts panel (Remove), and then clicking any of the parts within the division.
    • Select a merged part within the division, click (Edit Merged), then use the (Add) and (Remove) tools to add parts to or remove them from the merged part. (See Merging Parts.)
      Note: Just as the Edit Merged tool may be available when you are editing a division, the Edit Division tool may be available when you are editing a merged part. When you have a complex hierarchy of part divisions and part merges, these edit modes are nested within each other as needed to support recursive editing.
  4. Click (Finish) to exit the edit mode.