Divide Parts

After an element has been designated as a part, that part can be divided into smaller parts, either by sketching division lines or by selecting reference elements that intersect the part.

Dividing Parts by Sketching

Video: Create and Divide Parts

  1. In the drawing area, select the part or parts to be divided.
  2. Click Modify | Parts tab Part panel (Divide Parts).
  3. If you want a gap between the parts resulting from this division, enter a positive value for the Divider gap parameter on the Properties palette, under Constraints. You can also use the parameters under Dimensions to apply a profile to the part edges along the gap and configure it as needed.
  4. Click Draw panel (Edit Sketch).

    The Draw panel displays with the Line tool selected.

  5. Use the tools on the Work Plane panel as needed to display or change the active work plane on which the dividing geometry will be sketched.
  6. Specify start and end points for the sketch line, or select a different drawing tool and sketch the dividing geometry as needed.
    Note: Individual lines and curves do not have to form closed loops, but must either intersect 2 borders (green dashed lines) of the part or another division line so that a separate geometric region is defined. Closed loops do not have to intersect borders or division lines.
  7. When finished sketching, click (Finish Sketch Mode) to exit the edit sketch mode
  8. Continue editing the resulting division, or click (Finish Edit Mode) to exit the edit sketch mode.

Dividing Parts by Reference

  1. In the drawing area, select the part or parts to be divided.
  2. Click Modify | Parts tab Part panel (Divide Parts).
  3. If you want a gap between the parts resulting from this division, enter a positive value for the Divider gap parameter on the Properties palette, under Constraints. You can also use the parameters under Dimensions to apply a profile to the part edges along the gap and configure it as needed.
  4. Click Modify | Division tab References panel (Intersecting References).
  5. In the Intersecting Named References dialog, use the Filter drop-down control as needed to view the levels, grids, and reference planes that can be used to divide the selected parts.
  6. Select the desired references, and enter positive or negative offsets as needed.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Continue editing the resulting division, or click (Finish Edit Mode) to exit the edit mode.