About Unsupported Elements for Design Options

Rules for how levels, views, annotations, and details are handled while editing design options.

Levels: You cannot add levels to a design option. If you add a level to a building model while you are editing a design option, Revit adds the level to the main model. The level displays in halftone, indicating that it is not part of the design option. (See Halftone/Underlay.)

Views: You cannot add views to a design option. However, you can dedicate views to design options.

Annotations and details: You cannot add view-specific elements (such as annotations and details) to a design option. View-specific elements belong to the views in which they are created.

If you add a view-specific element while you are editing a design option, Revit adds the element to the current view, not to the design option. The view-specific element displays in halftone, indicating that it is not part of the design option. To see the view-specific element and the design option, change the design option settings for the view. (See Check the Design Option Settings for a View.)

To annotate or detail a design option, dedicate a view to the option. Then add annotations and details to the view. (See Annotate and Detail Design Options.) View-specific elements can reference elements in a design option. For example, you can dimension elements in a design option.