About Trusses

All types within a truss family share the same profile layout. Individual types specify other parameters, such as the structural framing families used for modeling chords and web members.

When you sketch a truss line, structural framing elements are created, placed them on the layout lines specified for the selected family.

When you move the cursor over a truss in the drawing area, the truss element displays as a set of dashed blue lines. Clicking any of these dashed blue lines selects the truss element itself. The sub elements that comprise the truss, such as the top chord, bottom chord, and web members, are individually selectable.

Structural framing elements are created along each of these layout lines. You can select and define the structural framing elements in the truss layout family. Several different types of the same family can have different pre-set framing families using the same geometric layout.
Note: Visibility and Graphics of a truss element is controlled by the framing members making up the truss element.

Structural members associated with the truss type are included in the geometric layout. These structural members can be changed to a different size, but they must be selected from sizes available within the specific truss family.