Report Coordinates

You can determine the North/South, East/West, and Elevation coordinates of a selected reference in the model.

For example, you may want to report the coordinates of a linked model within a host model.

The reported coordinates are relative to the survey coordinate system of the host model, based on the location of its survey point.

  1. Click Manage tabProject Location panelCoordinates drop-down (Report Coordinates).
  2. Place the cursor on a reference point of the model.

    A reference point can be the intersection of elements, such as the corner of 2 walls. In some types of views, you can use an edge as a reference.

    When the cursor moves over a valid reference point, a blue dot or line displays.

  3. Click the reference.

    The Options Bar displays the coordinates of the reference. Depending on the type of view and the reference selected, the coordinates may include North/South, East/West, and Elevation.

    You can continue to click other references in the model to see their coordinates.

  4. To exit Report Coordinates mode, press ESC.