About Miter Beam Joins

Unlike square-off joins, miter joins do not cutback, allowing geometry to create a flush connection between 2 beams.

The 2 beams must be co-planar to create a miter join. They must also be of the same family type. Any other beams that share the join will cut back accordingly.

Coarse level of detail (symbolic) Medium/Fine level of detail (physical geometry)

Beams in a co-planar join share the same plane and have unadjusted cross-sectional rotation parameters.

Beams that share the same vertical plane must have the same cross-sectional rotation to have a miter join. The vertical plane is a plane perpendicular to the work plane. A miter join will be created by default for beams that are created within the same vertical plane.

This is the case for trusses.

Other beam join considerations include the following.