Thermal Boundary Conditions in AEC Applications

These guidelines in this topic apply to all three primary classifications of AEC models: mechanical, natural, and external ventilation. Flow boundary conditions, however, are specific to the application type, and are discussed in the respective application topics.


Apply thermal boundary conditions if an objective of the analysis is to understand the temperature distribution throughout the modeled space and/or on components or occupants. There are many potential heat-transfer-related objectives in AEC, and here are several typical examples:

Basic Approach

The first step for using thermal boundary conditions is to understand and represent the known conditions within the model:

See the Boundary Condition topic for more general information about these boundary conditions.

Surface-Based Thermal Boundary Conditions

For models that only include an internal (and omit external environmental conditions), assign boundary conditions such as film coefficients, radiation, and temperatures to external surfaces. These conditions allow energy to enter and leave the space through exterior elements such as walls and windows.

Commonly applied surface-based heat transfer conditions include temperature, film coefficient, radiation, and heat flux.

Apply surface boundary conditions only on exterior surfaces or to surfaces that are adjacent to suppressed parts (Such parts contact a meshed volume on one side and nothing on the other).

For example, if the walls, roof, and windows of a building are meshed, assign surface thermal boundaries around the exterior surfaces:

ext surfaces

If, however, the walls, roof, and windows are suppressed (not meshed), assign surface thermal boundary conditions to the surfaces of the suppressed walls where they contact the internal air volume:

suppressed surfaces

Volume-Based Thermal Boundary Conditions

Volume-based heat boundary conditions introduce heat into the model either on a per unit volume or total basis.

Use heat generation boundary conditions to model heat dissipated by components that produce heat. Examples include:

Be sure to set the selection mode to Volume (right click and select Volume as the Selection type).

For more about volume heat loads...

Frequently Used Surface-Based Boundary Conditions in AEC

Film coefficient

To simulate heat transfer to the surroundings, without actually modeling the surrounding environment, apply a film coefficient boundary condition to the external surfaces. The value depends on the air that surrounds the physical device:

The amount of heat transferred depends on the magnitude of the film coefficient and the temperature difference between the specified reference temperature and the resultant temperature of the surface.

To account for both conduction through the volume as well as convection off the surface, assign a film coefficient boundary condition to the inside surfaces of suppressed walls, windows, or roofs. Assign a value that is the inverse of the R-value for walls or the U factor for windows:

Remember that because film coefficients are based on difference in temperature difference, the absolute offset between Fahrenheit and Rankine drops out of the equation and the units BTU/ft²/h/R and BTU/ft²/h/F can be used interchangeably.

For more about the film coefficient boundary condition...


Use temperatures to assign a known, uniform temperature to one or more surfaces. Typical applications include:

For more about the temperature boundary condition...


Use a radiation boundary condition to model heat exchange with an arbitrary black body outside of the model. Radiation conditions act like film coefficients, and introduce or remove heat from the model based on the temperature difference. Note that the Radiation solver does not have to be invoked to use a radiation boundary condition.

A typical use of the radiation boundary condition for architectural applications is to simulate heat loss to the night sky. The temperature of a clear-night sky with no cloud cover can be as low as -40 °F with an associated emissivity of 0.3.

For more about the Radiation boundary condition...

Heat flux

Use a heat flux boundary condition to model a heat addition or rejection through external faces.

A typical use of heat flux boundary conditions for architectural applications is to model solar loads (as an alternative to running the solar heating solver). To simulate the solar loading of direct overhead exposure (which is approximately 910 W/m²K), assign a heat flux value between 150-300 W/m² K. This range accounts for material finish, reflection, and atmospheric obstructions.

For more about the Heat flux boundary condition...