ジャンプ先: 概要. 戻り値. キーワード. 関連. フラグ. Python 例.
attributeQuery([affectsAppearance=boolean], [affectsWorldspace=boolean], [attributeType=boolean], [cachedInternally=boolean], [categories=boolean], [channelBox=boolean], [computeModifies=boolean], [connectable=boolean], [enum=boolean], [exists=boolean], [hidden=boolean], [indeterminant=boolean], [indexMatters=boolean], [internal=boolean], [internalGet=boolean], [internalSet=boolean], [keyable=boolean], [listChildren=boolean], [listDefault=boolean], [listEnum=boolean], [listParent=boolean], [listSiblings=boolean], [localizedListEnum=boolean], [longName=boolean], [maxExists=boolean], [maximum=boolean], [message=boolean], [minExists=boolean], [minimum=boolean], [multi=boolean], [niceName=boolean], [node=name], [numberOfChildren=boolean], [range=boolean], [rangeExists=boolean], [readable=boolean], [renderSource=boolean], [shortName=boolean], [softMax=boolean], [softMaxExists=boolean], [softMin=boolean], [softMinExists=boolean], [softRange=boolean], [softRangeExists=boolean], [storable=boolean], [type=string], [typeExact=string], [usedAsColor=boolean], [usedAsFilename=boolean], [usesMultiBuilder=boolean], [worldspace=boolean], [writable=boolean])
注: オブジェクトの名前と引数を表す文字列は、カンマで区切る必要があります。これはシノプシスに示されていません。
attributeQuery は、取り消し不可能、照会不可能、および編集不可能です。
attributeQuery は、アトリビュートの構成に関する情報を返します。両方のブーリアン フラグを処理し、他の戻り値と同様に true または false を返します。複数のブーリアン フラグを指定すると、指定したすべてのブーリアン フラグの論理和を返します。両方がブーリアン タイプの戻り値を返すのでなければ、2 つのフラグを指定することはできません。(たとえば、「-internal -hidden」は指定できますが、「-range -hidden」や「-range -softRange」は指定できません)。
float[] | 範囲または既定値を照会する場合 |
boolean | アトリビュート フラグを照会する場合 |
dg, dependency, graph, attribute, query
getClassification, isConnected, isDirty, nodeType, objExists, objectType
affectsAppearance, affectsWorldspace, attributeType, cachedInternally, categories, channelBox, computeModifies, connectable, enum, exists, hidden, indeterminant, indexMatters, internal, internalGet, internalSet, keyable, listChildren, listDefault, listEnum, listParent, listSiblings, localizedListEnum, longName, maxExists, maximum, message, minExists, minimum, multi, niceName, node, numberOfChildren, range, rangeExists, readable, renderSource, shortName, softMax, softMaxExists, softMin, softMinExists, softRange, softRangeExists, storable, type, typeExact, usedAsColor, usedAsFilename, usesMultiBuilder, worldspace, writable
import maya.cmds as cmds
# Determine the hidden status of the "selector" attribute on choice nodes.
cmds.attributeQuery( 'selector', typ='choice', h=True )
# Result: 0
# Determine the hidden status of the "selector" attribute on this choice node.
# (Usually the same but you can do this for dynamic attributes too.)
cmds.createNode( 'choice', n='whoIsIt' )
# Result: choice1
cmds.attributeQuery( 'selector', n='whoIsIt', h=True )
# Result: 0
# Determine the range of the selector value on choice nodes.
# In this case there is no range.
# Note, if there is only a minimum or only a maximum range will not set.
cmds.attributeQuery( 'selector', typ='choice', range=True )
# For the next several examples create a poly cube and add extra attributes.
cmds.polyCube( cuv=4, ch=1, w=1, h=1, d=1, sx=1, sy=1, sz=1, ax=(0, 1, 0) )
cmds.addAttr( '|pCube1', ln='egRange', at='long', min=0, max=5, dv=2 )
cmds.setAttr( '|pCube1.egRange', e=True, keyable=False )
# Determine if an attribute is keyable
cmds.attributeQuery( 'egRange', node='pCube1', k=True )
# Result: 0
# Determine the minimum and maximum values of the added attribute egRange
cmds.attributeQuery( 'egRange', node='pCube1', range=True )
# Result: [0.0, 5.0]
# Determine if there is a minimum for the attribute.
# Note, having a minimum or maximum value does not imply the attribute has a range.
cmds.addAttr( '|pCube1', ln='egMin', at='long', min=2 )
cmds.attributeQuery( 'egMin', node='pCube1', minExists=True )
# Result: 1
cmds.attributeQuery( 'egMin', node='pCube1', maxExists=True )
# Result: 0
cmds.attributeQuery( 'egMin', node='pCube1', min=True )
# Result: [2.0]
# Determine if an attribute is an enum
# List the enum strings. This will use ':' as a separator like the attr is written in
# an .ma file.
cmds.addAttr( '|pCube1', ln='myEnum', at='enum', en='chicken:turkey:duck:', ct='fowl' )
cmds.attributeQuery( 'myEnum', node='pCube1', listEnum=True )
# Result: [u'chicken:turkey:duck'] #
# Secondary way to find an attribute's type directly
cmds.attributeQuery( 'myEnum', node='pCube1', attributeType=True )
# Result: ['enum'] #
# See to which categories and attribute belongs
cmds.attributeQuery( 'myEnum', node='pCube1', categories=True )
# Result: ['fowl'] #