Calculations dialog

Use this dialog to select calculation options for the design of steel / aluminum / timber structure members.

  • Select the Steel Design layout, or Timber Design layout.
  • Click (Steel/Aluminum Members Design), or (Timber Members Design) on the toolbar.

Verification Options

The Verification Options group contains the following options.

Member Verification
Verifies each member of the selected list.
Group Verification
Verifies each member of the selected group.
Group Design
Verifies the design of each section family of the selected groups.
Note: At least one group must be defined in order to use this option.
If you want to run the calculations on groups of members, select Optimization, and then click Options to set the parameters for the groups of members.
Optimization Options
Runs the calculations on groups of members.
Note: Groups of members must be defined before the optimization process is started.

Code requirements / Limit states

The title and options available in this group depend on the selected code.

Select a code requirement or a type of limit state, and then enter one or several load cases for it. Alternatively, click List to select a list of load cases for the selected option.

Code requirements (ASD)
The Code requirements group is displayed for US codes which use the Allowable Strength Design (ASD) method, such as:
  • ANSI 2005,
  • ANSI 2010,
  • ANSI/AWC NDS-2012.
Calculates the strength of the member.
Calculates the deformation of the member.
Uses the limit states to perform a Fire analysis.
Limit states (Other codes)
This group contains the list of ULS and SLS, as well as load cases to consider for the verification.
Performs calculations to the Ultimate Limit State.
Performs calculations to the Serviceability Limit State.
Note: If you select this option with the ANSI/AISC 360-05 or the ANSI/AISC 360-10 codes, the lists of Dead loads, Live loads, and Total loads are also displayed.

Calculation archive

Save calculation results
Saves the results of steel member verification and design.
Note: Saving the calculation results is useful if you want to perform several verifications on the same model, and avoid time-consuming recalculations. This option also prevents the accidental loss of data, in case of a power outage for example. You can deselect this option if you do not want to save your calculation results.
Results storage
Opens the Calculation Result Archive dialog which contains all saved verification and design sessions.
Note: All calculation sessions are saved with the model in an RTD file.
Opens the Configuration dialog which allows you to define the parameters applied during the verification of a steel member.