Create Corridor Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to specify the parameters for the new corridor, including horizontal and vertical baselines, assembly, and target surface.

Corridor Name

Specifies the name of the corridor.

Note: To name the corridor, click on its default name and enter a new name or use the naming template.

Opens the Name Template dialog box, where you can modify the corridor naming template.


Specifies a description for the corridor.

Corridor Style

Displays the style that is used to display corridor components, such as region boundaries and assembly insertion chainages.

Code Set Style

Displays the style that is used to display link, point and shape code display.

Corridor Layer

Displays the layer that the corridor will be created on.

Opens the Object Layer dialog box where you can select a different layer for the corridor.

Corridor Template
Opens the Apply Corridor Template dialog box which you can use to apply the corridor surfaces, slope patterns and code set styles from an existing corridor to the new corridor.
Target Surface
Specifies the default target surface for subassemblies in the selected assembly. This list displays all surfaces in the current drawing. Select a surface from the list, or click to select one from the drawing.
Note: If no baselines are assigned to an assembly, the Target Surface control is disabled and the Set Baseline and Region Parameters box is cleared. You can add regions and assemblies later.
Selection Tools
The three tools at the top of the dialog box are available when you select a row in the Alignments and Profiles section or the Feature Lines section.
  • Pick from Drawing. Manually select one or more alignments and/or feature lines in the drawing. Press Enter when finished. This tool is always available, regardless of row selection.
  • Insert. Adds a new row for additional alignments or feature lines.
  • Delete. Deletes the currently selected alignment or feature line row.
Alignment and Profiles

This section specifies which alignments and profiles are assigned to the corridor.

Alignment. This list displays all alignments that have a profile in the current drawing. Select an alignment from the list, or click to select one or more alignments from the drawing.

Profile. Displays or specifies the profile associated with the alignment. If the alignment has been selected, this shows the profile associated with the alignment. If an alignment has not been selected yet, this list displays all profiles in the current drawing. Select a profile from the list, or click to select one or more profiles from the drawing.

Assembly. Specifies the default assembly associated with the alignment. This list displays all assemblies in the current drawing. Select an assembly from the list, or click to select one from the drawing.
Note: If no baselines are assigned to an assembly, the Target Surface control is disabled and the Set Baseline and Region Parameters box is cleared. The newly created corridor will not have regions and assemblies, though they can be added later.
Feature Lines

This section specifies which feature lines are assigned to the corridor.

Selection Filter. Provides methods of narrowing the possible feature lines for selection. This is useful when working in larger drawings and manually picking lines is impractical.
Note: This filter will also limit your selections when manually picking lines in the drawing.
  • Name. Enter a search query to narrow the list of names. Use an asterisk as a wildcard for common names that are numbered. For example, kerb* would list feature lines such as kerb01, kerb line or kerbside.
  • Style. Select from the available styles from which to narrow the available list of feature lines.
  • Layer. Select from the layers from which to narrow the list of feature lines.
  • Site. Select from the available sites from which to narrow the list of feature lines.

Feature Line. This list displays all named feature lines in the current drawing. Select a feature line from the list, or click to select one or more feature lines from the drawing. Unnamed feature lines must be selected from the drawing.

Assembly. Specifies the default assembly associated with the feature line. This list displays all assemblies in the current drawing. Select an assembly from the list, or click to select one from the drawing.
Note: The <none> selection creates a corridor that does not have any regions. When Assembly is set to <none>, the Target Surface control is disabled and the Set Baseline and Region Parameters box is cleared. You can add regions and assemblies later.
Set Baseline and Region Parameters
Opens the Baseline and Region Parameters dialog box on corridor creation, which enables you to specify targets and frequencies and to add multiple baselines and regions.